The football world which includes,sponsors,owners,shareholders,prospective quality players,and of course the fans will not stay still patiently to allow United the unlimited timespan,[3yrs according to LVG,but more according to me you and everybody else], to recover their not too distant high standings,let alone one man UN explained and outdated philosophy followed by a complete rookie.emmicallef Regarding revenues, commercial revenues are (largely) related to how popular a team is and market brand awareness. United have a name and it would take decades of mediocre performances to lose fan loyalty and the prestige brand. We would have to become like a Villa or Newcastle or heaven forbid a Leeds.Consider we went 26 years without a title but throughout that period were the best supported, most popular and richest Liverpool have been in the doldrums for decades but are one of the richest clubs.If we did a Liverpool competing for top 4 we could survive financially for a long time (as they have done) and I doubt it would come to that.

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