The reason it may happen more often in the summertime is
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cheap jerseys What we have here seems to be quite a common problem across the board especially in the spring and summer months when grass is coming into contact with the skin in that area when the female dog squats to urinate.However, it can and does happen in the winter months also even if not as much.The reason it may happen more often in the summertime is because depending how long the grass may be, the urine does not flow to the ground as freely which results in it staying stuck there and rubbing against the stomach and genital areas.What happens is that, when your female urinates, a lot of times the urine (and dirt etc. With it) will splash back up and onto the stomach and genital areas and result in a rash and/or infection.This usually does not happen with adult males as they usually do not squat but rather lift their legs up in an attempt to urinate and mark up as high as possible so that the wind may carry the scent as far as possible to warn other dogs that they are entering his turf. So, unless the male is a small pup and/or neutered too early (males who have been neutered too early usually never fully develop mentally and therefore at least in most cases, never lift their legs to urinate), no pee is splashing up onto the stomach/ genital areas and subsequently causing a rash.Here is what I will recommend and if you do not seem to be making progress then certainly you will bring your dog to the vet.Purchase Avon Skin So Soft or a good quality cream for diaper rash such as Penaten (not sure of the spelling) cream and use that for now.You’re probably saying to yourself “But Charlie, those are products for humans cheap jerseys.