Spicer, a McMaster graduate, examined every recorded vote cast

Though proprietor Jacqueline Percentie no longer does her own plaiting, she still sews her own hats. Her children haven’t followed her in the craft, but her daughter grabs several strands and dashes off a plaited length to show me her mother taught her well. In addition to her hats, Jacqueline offers several locally made products: baskets with intricate diagonal patterns of thin and wide strips of blond straw from Current Island, off Eleuthera; hats of light and dark strips sewn with tiny stitches.

What if 21st century Hamilton took a page from the seigneurial system’s playbook, and reorganized its irregularly drawn wards so they were in a neat, pie shaped pattern?That way, each councillor would have a slice of urban, suburban and rural territory to look after, Crawford suggests.”So you’d actually have all three components.”This would help reduce to temptation to think along parochial lines, with rural councillors only attuned to farmers’ needs and urban counterparts just focused on inner city bike lanes.As it stands, city politicians can put on blinders and only pay attention to their ward specific needs, to the detriment of Hamilton as a whole.The balancing act is challenging, says Crawford, who’s the founder of Hamilton HIStory + HERitage on James Street North and spearheaded the CasiNO campaign.”I think they do need to wear two hats constantly. One is ward specific; the other is city wide,” he said.City politicians haven’t ever considered such a radical change to their constituencies, but councils have twice mulled and delayed a review of ward boundaries.The 2010 14 council has committed to a review, but not until 2015, in time for the 2018 municipal election.Some of the city’s wards https://www.basketballhat.com/mlb-caps-c-1.html, specifically those on the Mountain, have as many as 56,000 constituents, while some suburban wards have as few as 17 mlb caps,000.Voting blocs have faded since 2001The political fault lines that divided old City of Hamilton councillors and their colleagues with wards in the amalgamated municipalities have faded since 2001, says a political scientist.Zachary Spicer says voting patterns on council in the days after the controversial consolidation were deeply entrenched along regional lines.Spicer, a McMaster graduate, examined every recorded vote cast by three post amalgamation councils: 2001 03, 2003 06 and 2006 10.He found a “voting bloc” of councillors who represented the formerly independent communities of Ancaster, Dundas, Flamborough, Glanbrook and Stoney Creek.”There was a resistance on the part of these councillors to support items that councillors from the old City of Hamilton would necessarily support,” said Spicer, a post doctoral fellow at Institute on Municipal Finance and Governance at the Munk School of Global Affairs in Toronto.However, as years passed and councillors moved on or were voted out, this rigid pattern has “dissipated,” he said.”Time can heal all things,” he said.This rural urban divide, further fractured by a suburban inner city gulf, presents challenges if not headaches for mayoral candidates in this fall’s municipal election.They must appeal to the parochial interests of 15 distinct wards, 520,000 residents, and the city as a whole, which covers 1,113 square kilometres.What concerns Furukawa downtown might not even be on Sarachman’s radar in the country.”Nobody goes downtown to Hamilton on any excursion,” says Sarachman, chair of Free Flamborough, a group pushing for City Hall and Queen’s Park to review amalgamation. “We don’t use any of the buses.”.

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