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Advocating gun sale restrictions for the mentally ill, blind people and anyone on the terrorist watch list, Schumer said she didn’t expect full support in the “red state” of Indiana. Still, after one audience member chirped back during this part of the show, the comedianasked, “Who do you think you came to see tonight?”David Letterman will make one night TV return Oct. 30.

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PolitiFact New YorkTV and MediaWeatherEditorialsLetters to the EditorAdam ZyglisStateMohamed A. Citizenship, was elected president in his homeland of Somalia on Wednesday, an ironic twist to President Trump’s immigration order banning people from that predominantly Muslim country.Mohamed, a Grand Island resident who has spent most of the past year campaigning in Somalia, was elected in that country’s first organized presidential election in more than two decades.He is a former prime minister of Somalia and was selected by that nation’s Parliament from among nearly two dozen candidates, including the incumbent president. Citizenship has been declared Somalia new president.