The Tigers will hold a second scrimmage of the week in Memorial Stadium on Saturday morning that is closed to the public. “Saturday will be a very important day,” said Swinney, who has taken Clemson to at least 10 wins and a top 25 ranking each of the last five season. “We will spot the ball in certainly areas of the field to assure we have practice from all situations, but the coaches will be off the field and we will simulate the gameday operation.

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Pour tous les progrès que les Thunderbolts ont fait cette saison, atteignant les demi-finales dans chacun des quatre derniers tournois de la Série Mondiale qu’ils ont joué, ils cherchent encore une victoire insaisissable.

Le dimanche, ils ont terminé quatrième à la HSBC Sevens à Hong Kong battu 34 5 par les Fidji dans les demi-finales puis pipped 14 12 par l’Afrique du Sud dans la troisième place playoff, laissant l’entraîneur Andy Friend peu impressionné.

“Oui, nous construisons, mais nous devons commencer à le faire (gagner des tournois)”, at-il dit. “Nous ne pouvons pas être heureux de faire juste des demi-finales. Nous avons vraiment besoin pour parvenir à une victoire, c’est vital pour notre conviction, mais le temps est à court.”

Cela fait maintenant quatre ans que l’Australie a gagné n’importe quelle étape de la série mondiale de Sevens et 28 ans depuis qu’ils ont remporté à Hong Kong, alors que Michael Lynagh était capitaine et David Campese était en train de franchir la ligne d’arrivée.

L’engagement de l’Australie pour Sevens a diminué quand le rugby est devenu professionnel au milieu des années 1990, mais avec une équipe de joueurs spécialisés et l’inclusion du jeu sur le programme olympique, les excuses sont à court. canada goose parka La volonté et les ressources pour réussir sont là, mais pas les résultats.

“Nous avons 25 joueurs engagés et beaucoup de profondeur. Mais ce que nous recherchons maintenant, c’est dans ces moments vraiment grands, qui va intensifier”, a déclaré Friend.

Prenez: le Australien Con Foley, centre, passe le ballon à son coéquipier Cameron Clark. Photo: AP

“Le jeu est tout psychologique. Physiquement, je pense que nous sommes en grande forme, c’est juste avoir cette croyance à exécuter quand il importe vraiment.”

Sevens a toujours été un jeu flottant, charmant et frustrant ses partisans les plus fidèles à des doses égales. La différence entre gagner et perdre est souvent décidée autant par la chance et le rebond de la balle que la compétence et la planification minutieuse.

Cela, et la nature spontanée du code, sont suffisants pour s’assurer que l’Australie ira à Rio comme un véritable concurrent pour gagner la médaille d’or, mais les préoccupations d’Ami au sujet de l’état mental de l’équipe ne sont pas sans mérite.

Les Thunderbolts ont profité d’une occasion en or pour mettre fin à leur sécheresse à la Sydney Sevens en Février, quand ils ont abandonné l’essai gagnant à la Nouvelle-Zélande après la sirène en finale. Le mois suivant, ils ont dilapidé une avance de 15 0 à mi-temps pour perdre la finale de Las Vegas à Fidji. Une semaine plus tard, à Vancouver, ils ont subi une perte de choc au Canada en phase de piscine avant de finalement terminer troisième.

Comme le tournoi le plus prestigieux de la série, et la seule étape qui a le même format de trois jours qui sera utilisé à Rio, le tournoi de ce week-end à Hong Kong a été un véritable test décisif non seulement les meilleures chances de l’Australie en années pour mettre fin à leur longue sécheresse Dans l’ancienne colonie britannique mais aussi une occasion de poser un marqueur pour Rio.

Entraîné par une longue blessure perdue qui a écarté au moins huit joueurs, Friend a apporté quelques nouveaux joueurs, y compris l’ancien joueur NRL Frankie Winterstein et ex ailier Wallaby Nick Cummins, dont l’apparence a inspiré des douzaines de lookalikes Honey Badger dans les stands.

Les premiers signes ont été encourageants, avec les Thunderbolts écrasant l’Argentine 28 0 dans leur match d’ouverture. Skipper Ed Jenkins a marqué son 100e essai de carrière dans le match, mais Cummins a rejoint le nombre de blessés quand il s’est blessé la cheville et a été incapable de jouer à nouveau.

Les choses semblaient toujours bien quand l’Australie surclassé Portugal 45 7 dans la première mach le samedi, avec John Porch entaillant un tour du chapeau, mais les premiers signes de l’ennui est venu avec une perte 22 7 aux États-Unis dans leur dernier jeu de piscine samedi, Les a relégués à des coureurs de groupe.

Une victoire de 14 5 sur l’Angleterre en quarts de finale dimanche a été une source d’optimisme, mais ce fut une autre fausse aurore car les faiblesses de l’Australie face aux poids lourds du sport ont été exposées par leurs pertes aux Fidji et en Afrique du Sud.

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We just talk about the week and where we’re going and our conversations haven’t changed a bit

“The injury report: [LB NaVorro] Bowman will be off and then [DT Quinton] Dial, [LB Michael] Wilhoite, [RB Shaun] Draughn and [C Marcus] Martin will all be out today. [T Joe] Staley, we just have to keep checking. He was sick. He got that bug yesterday. He’s here. He’s in meetings and everything, but we’ll just see where he’s at. [S Jaquiski] Tartt’s going to be limited.Cheap Jerseys from china I can’t tell you how much he’s going to do. It’s that knee he’s been managing for a while, so it’s a little sore. We’ll just see where he’s at. That’s it.”

Did Marcus Martin, is this part of a, sort of a bigger change in how concussions are being handled versus the last couple of years? It just seems like a concussion now has become a two or three week injury, whereas last year it was a one week injury.

“Well, I’ve seen it both ways. I’ve seen guys come back in a week. What I know is there’s a protocol and it’s across the board. So, once somebody says you have a concussion or they’re concern about a concussion you go into a protocol and there’s nothing you can do, anybody can do. That protocol is set and until you take all those steps and achieve the levels that you need in all those steps, you don’t play. That’s the protocol, which I know has been, I don’t know the specifics, but I know that the doctors and the league from the league level down, that’s something they’ve been working on over the past few years.”

Is there any sense of giving a younger player like a OL Ian Silberman or a G Brandon Thomas any reps in this final game?

“Yeah, well if they’re ready. You earn those things in practice. You’ve got to show that you’ve got it. And again, those guys are coming along. We feel good about the improvement that’s been made. Right now with where Marcus is and with [G/T Eric] Pears and [OL] Trent Brown, we’ve had some things moving around. We want to go out and compete to win a football game.”

How do you think Brown did upon reviewing the game tape in his first ever start?

“At the beginning he did really well. First half, I thought was really good. Second half, there’s a few things there that we’ve got to get the duration of it just like any young player that would be in that situation. But, overall I thought he represented himself well.”

He thought that he did better in the run blocking aspect of it than the pass blocking. Is that what the coaches saw as well?

“No. I wouldn’t, personally? No. And from our staff meetings, in terms of the one on one pass protections and things like that, he did very well. But, now things start to move and you’ve got to pick things up and you’re moving with it and things like that. Just natural progression stuff that I think he’s getting and he’s getting well.”

You mention that when the picture changes. How did he respond? How did he adjust?

“There were some things that the picture started changing and he’s getting over there on the sidelines. I know Pears is, we’ve got a vet there that’s trying to help him through it. And again, I don’t want to act like it was catastrophic, it wasn’t. But, there’s just things there that it’s a natural progression that you’ve got to keep going through and the next time you see it, you’ll have it again. In every game there’s going to be stuff that they prepare for you. So, pictures that you haven’t seen yet, they’re going to show up. So, getting through those things. But, overall I thought he did well.”

At this stage in his career, is Pears better suited to play guard?

“I don’t know that. He did a nice job for us the other day. Our intentions when he came here was for him to play guard, think he’d be a good guard. But, we needed him to go out to tackle and I thought he went out there and busted his tail for us. Pears is a guy that has busted his tail for this team. He came in under one idea that we all had and then had to move and never blinked, never said a word, just said, ‘Yeah, got it. That’s where you need me, that’s where I go.’ So, now we’re moving him back to guard and once again, ‘Yeah, sure. Wherever you need me. Whatever we’ve got to do.’ That’s the kind of guy he is.”

On Monday, correct me if I’ve got this wrong, but I think you said in the Browns game you guys really wanted to come out and attack and I think the first four or five plays were passes. You said in retrospect, maybe that wasn’t the way to go, that’s just not kind of where the offense is. If I’ve got that right, what do you mean by that as far as just that wasn’t kind of the offense’s personality?

“Well, no. I guess what I meant by that was that was one where I came in and said, ‘Look, I want to throw the ball down the field. I want to hit those middle range throws.’ I kind of forced that, which in retrospect I shouldn’t have forced it. That’s what I was trying, that’s what I mean. That’s the conversation I had with the offensive staff. That was me in there forcing that, ‘Look, let’s get out here, let’s hit those 14 to 19 yard throws. Let’s go after a couple of those.'”

I think in looking at the offense, people would say, “Hey, that’s not a bad idea. Be a little bit more aggressive.”

“You put a check with me. You put a check with me, if they’re sitting down in there, you don’t force that. You know what I mean? That was what I meant.”

I’ll ask a Jarryd Hayne question. How did he do? And part of that question is, it seemed like you guys had trouble on third down just because you had so many new guys that they didn’t know the pass protections very well. Will that be less of an issue going into this game?

“Well I mean, obviously we’re continuing, working to get better every day, especially in that area there. That’s assignment stuff. But, that’s the nature of it when you’ve got guys, particularly with [running backs coach] Tom [Rathman] and what the offensive coaches, particularly Tom Rathman, have done in those scenarios with guys coming in. And a credit to the guys that have come in. And learning all that in a week, that’s a hefty task. And then pictures start changing in games and people making adjustments at halftime and now the pictures are completely different and you’ve got to pick this up. So, we’ll continue to work on that. In terms of Jarryd, you saw some of the inside zone runs that he ran in that game. You can see what we’re talking about with how he’s gotten better at feeling that and seeing that and the way he’s worked at that. So, he continues to work his tail off and get better.”

How is he in the pass protection aspect of it?

“Good. Knows the assignments. Knows the assignments. And would I tell you that it’s absolutely natural to him yet? No. But, he knows the assignments and all that stuff is there. It’s just a matter of playing and practice and seeing the different looks. You bring a backer up here and you bring a backer up here. Well, you’re responsible for one of them. Now, if both come, you’ve got one, the quarterback’s got the other and we’ve got a hot. If one comes, you’ve got to feel which one is coming and there’s a feel to that. And then there’s where’s the safety, who are they topping? That kind of stuff. But, he knows it. You put him on a board and put him in a walk thru, he knows it.”

Is RB Mike Davis going to get more reps with the ones in practice this week?

“Yeah. I mean, yeah he’ll be in there. Mike’s going to be working through, yeah.”

Is the expectation then that he’s going to be available Sunday?

“I’d like him to be. But, we’ll find out exactly where we’re at. But, yeah I’d like him to be.”

I have a job security question. And I know you covered some of this Monday. But, just to be clear, has CEO Jed York said to you you’re coming back next season?

“I mean, I see Jed. I saw him yesterday. I see him every week. We just talk about the week and where we’re going and our conversations haven’t changed a bit.”

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