“Schlossberg, a Democrat and one time Mann staffer, has been on

Has resigned from Allentown City Council effective tonight, in anticipation of his taking the Pennsylvania House seat being vacated by Jennifer Mann.Schlossberg, 29 cheap ray bans, is running unopposed for the 132nd district seat, and previously said he would resign no later than the start of October to allow council adequate time to seat his replacement before the budget season began.But Schlossberg said he resigned earlier than he originally planned because council is not expected to conclude its independent study into a proposed lease of the city’s water and sewer lease before October.Since a vote is not expected to be held before that time, Schlossberg said he believes it is in the city’s best interest for him to resign early.”This does pain me greatly,” he said. “I wanted to leave my stamp on that decision. That being said, given the circumstances, the best thing I can do for Allentown now is to be unselfish and step down.”Schlossberg, a Democrat and one time Mann staffer, has been on council since 2009.

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