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Canada Goose Parka I hope some day they’ll be able to hunt them.”The economic benefits of a goose season are hard to quantify, but DNR officials said that fewer hunters are spending fewer dollars as the waterfowl population declines.In 1986, for example, hunters of all kinds of waterfowl pumped $40 million into the state. In the past seven years, the number of hunters has dropped by 30 percent.Yesterday’s announcement surprised many in the goose hunting business, who are accustomed to hearing of the DNR’s proposed season limits later in the year.”I think it is a good move for everybody to know what we are thinking, instead of waiting until July or August,” said Mr. Sandt.Since 1989, Maryland’s goose season has been split with one bird per day allowed in the early portion and two birds allowed per day in the latter part of the season Canada Goose Parka.