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prada outlet Sunday in the 3100 block of Jeffries Avenue. Near West Ocean Front and Summit Street when he saw a light that appeared to be emanating from a tent on a West Newport beach, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Bill Hartford said. Distributing Zerocycle Neighborhood Waste Report (NWR) to households in Fremont resulted in a 41% reduction in the amount of food scraps in the trash, a 28% reduction in organic material in the trash, and a 13% reduction in overall trash bin weight.Zerocycle, creator of the proprietary Resident Engagement Platform that uses rich data analytics and behavioral science technology to help local governments increase recycling, reduce waste and dramatically lower disposal costs Cheap Prada handbags, announced today that the results of its pilot project with the City of Fremont Prada Outle, CA exceeded expectations.The pilot project, which took place in June 2016 and was led by the California based public agency StopWaste and community based marketing firm Action Research, tested three programs vs. A control group to identify effective outreach strategies for reducing the amount of organic material placed in household trash by Fremont residents: 1) Zerocycle unique Neighborhood Waste Report (NWR); 2) hangtags; 3) a kitchen countertop pail with 30 compostable bags. The control group received no outreach materials.While each outreach strategy helped reduce the amount of compostable material lost to the landfill, the positive impact of Zerocycle NWR was especially notable and included:A 41% reduction in the amount of food scraps in the trashA 28% reduction in organic material in the trashA 13% reduction in overall trash bin weightThese improvements are welcome news for all parties and stakeholders, especially Mayors and local government officials in Solid Waste, Public Works, and Sustainability Departments who need to reach aggressive waste reduction goals prada outlet.